Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The First

Okay, so this is a first for me.  I've kept diaries in the past and had very bad experiences with them so I have always refrained from it.  I figured anything I felt even if it's just venting can stay between me and God and who ever else I chose to confide in.  But then something tragic happened to one of my sisters and it compelled me to open up.  Her blog was so transparant! I admired her honesty and the release she got from it.  This was a whole new world to me but apparantly lots of my brothers and sisters did it.  So i started following theirs and they were so open and honest, I was amazed, I felt a new sense of connection.  So my first blog is to say thank you for everyone who let me into the windows of their minds and souls that I can take this step.

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